• Powder characterization and spreadability in the Additive Manufacturing field
    If you want to learn more about powder characterization and spreadability in the Additive Manufacturing field, you should attend this free AM webinar ! Indeed, our team will explain why the spreadability of a powder is an important characteristic. They will also explain how to characterize the powder and use it in a process. This Webinar focusing on Additive Manufacturing will be presented by Granutools team, on May 12th at 3PM CET and on May 14th 9AM CET.
  • 利用黏度推估酒精含量,達成高品質葡萄酒的口感
  • 你的蛋白質樣品耐熱程度如何?
    蛋白質樣品受熱超過一定的溫度,會致使蛋白質構型上改變,內文為你展示低濃度樣品黏度值與溫度關聯性,及如何由本質黏度(intrinsic viscosity)值來獲得分子大小(hydrodynamic radius)數據。
  • Postnova新應用 – 單株抗體的比較分析
    德國Postnova公司發佈了一新應用,電荷型非對稱場流分離技術(EAF4, Electrical Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation)和體積排除色譜法(SEC / GPC, Size Exclusion Chromatography/Gel Permeation Chromatography)對於單株抗體的生物物理特質分析適用性比較。
  • 食品工業必備的水活性測定儀
    隨著市場的變化和食品安全性與檢測需求,食品的保存和安全性要求更高之餘,緊接而來的延伸的法規問題也就相繼而來,也日益受到學術單位、研發技術人員的廣泛關注。 調味醬食品、健康食品、醃漬蔬果食品、麵製品、罐頭食品、乾果類、蜜餞、團膳、餐盒之食品工廠,皆需進行水活性檢測。
  • 防爆級實驗室冰箱適合我嗎?